Chester Creek
📸 instagram.com/p/CXG-HpJr6n-/ via tweet.photo

Chester Creek
📸 instagram.com/p/CXG-HpJr6n-/ via tweet.photo
Why Heroquest is so GREAT!
Happy 1st day of December!
I’ve been looking forward to this day for a while because it’s the day I get to share phase 1 of my research – an accessibility survey of tech professionals
Please retweet/share the link with your techie co-workers & friends 😊
iastate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/S… t.co/36AsmOLfaP
Disappointed to learn “the most powerful job in the world” is not leader of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles twitter.com/VitruviusOnline/stat…
onMouseOver=”MM_swapImage(…)” twitter.com/thomasfuchs/status/1…
Dev: can you send me the asset as SVG please?
Designer: sure thing
You’re welcome.
New pet peeve: sites that animate every single element on the page, for no particular reason.
I get that images might be lazy-load and that’s all good, but not everything needs to be animated or fade in. It’s not attention-grabbing if it’s used *everywhere.*
Today is #BlueBeanieDay, an annual international celebration of web standards.
Many thanks to all who help to develop standards, promote the open web and web accessibility (special ht (ha ha) to @zeldman)
Like CVS or Walgreens are all about health and wellness but trying to get an appointment there is a mess. And here is my local grocery store over here making it easy peasy.
It blows my mind how drop-dead simple it is to get vaccination shots at @Safeway No appointment, just walk up, fill out a form, and you’re done in 5 minutes.
P.S. I’m Covid-19 boosted now 💉
😱 We can actually trigger the device’s camera to capture an image directly from it!
A simple HTML input is enough: 👇
<input type=”file” accept=”image/*” capture=”user”> t.co/wWVl1Pf050
There is a lot of stupid ish other developers do that I can’t explain. I guess that means I’m not a web developer?
Did you know if you rename .docx file as .zip you can then extract it and get all those logos/images clients send you? Used it today and it’s genius!!
Pass the tip along. I forget who I got it from but I’m happy I remembered it.
Do you version control the entire root directory of a WordPress site or just specific themes and plugins?
How I version control WordPress wp-config values for different environments in one repo
4 year old: I want to be a normal doctor, animal doctor, and castle owner
4 year old: What? You can have more than one job ya know!
Just a FYI, George Jetson is going to be conceived this weekend.
It’s elementary school lunch. Which Good Humor bar are you getting?
All I want for Christmas is to downsize our Christmas decorations
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.