Make these holiday cookies for the parties you go to where you really, really hate the host…
Solar-powered tanning salon. Really.
@ampilsner The only time the trending topics are worth a damn is seeing how stupid half of the users on twitter are.
Building an API, I’m building an API. Hi ho the merry-o I’m building an API…
I can’t wait until my wife has a smartphone.
“If I had an hour to solve a problem I’d spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem and 5 minutes thinking about solutions.” -Einstein
ConvergeSE will be April 27th and 28th in Columbia, South Carolina. Fun web conference.
Why do phone makers make low-end Android Phones? Why aren’t last year’s high-end phones, this years low-end phones?
Blue Dodge, Blue House
This article is a great way to start a Monday.
Alas, another year goes by without WuTang performing at the Super Bowl halftime
Added color pickers for the background and foreground input fields on last night.
Video Tutorial: Easy to Create “placeholder” images for WordPress & Thesis Theme Sites | Jupiter Jim’s Marketing T..
I’m at Viet Bistro (6785 Wilson Blvd, Arlington Blvd, Falls Church) [pic]:
I’m at Z Kabob (3531 S. Jefferson St., Arlington) [pic]:
So wasn’t some group supposed to take down Facebook back in November?
RT @richquick I’m planning to do a version of jQuery where you use €() instead of $(). It’ll be more or less the same but far less stable.
Going on 20 minutes an aisle at Home Goods. At this rate we’ll be home before midnight.
Xmas shopping (@ Home Goods – Crossroads Place w/ 2 others) [pic]:
Thank goodness GoWalla got a happy ending being bought by fbook. Started looking tragic for the Foursquare rival when they neutered the app.