The developer(s) of this Tiktok code created a button that onclick prevents the button’s default behavior and takes the user to another URL instead. 🙃 The HTML <a> element was literally made to do this. This is Web and HTML 101.…
My favorite thing to do with my wife after the kids go to bed is to listen to the Kidz Bop version of Lizzo’s “Truth Hurts”
Hey Siri, what was the one thing Meatloaf wouldn’t do for love?
Good morning! Eventually the universe will cool to absolute 0, entropy will stop, and time will be meaningless. Happy Monday!
Hot enough today that we got to breakout the sprinkler.
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The sound of cicadas whirring in the background 24/7
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None of the borders actually touch so I figured I would have to use pseudo elements with a white background to jam up in the corners
It would be neat to recreate this grid layout in CSS I saw browsing a furniture catalog
Buy the dip #stonks $DOCN
When it comes to performance, WordPress ain’t the problem.…
1995 – We can write code in the browser. It’s called JavaScript.
2009 – What if we could run JavaScript on a server?
2021 – What if we could run JavaScript on a server in our browser using JavaScript…
Me choosing a z-index
For context this is my $6/month 1GB of RAM, 1 vCPU VPS that has been running for the past decade or so
That load average….
When Cyberpunk 2077 crashes and all that coal and oil burned to produce electricity to do pointless complex math to make polygons move ended up being pointless and just an enormous fucking waste of natural resources just like we’ve been saying for years.…
Most SaaS companies fail to create leverage with their feature update announcements
Here’s how to create high converting feature announcement posts
Made a set of 3 images bursting out of a laptop screen…
Could probably use more spring physics to make it more realistic but that starts getting into JavaScript territory
I’ve been having a lot of thoughts about the state of product and UX design lately and I need to vent for a minute.
I disabled #javascript for a bit while browsing and it’s concerning how a lot of sites only display a white page just because they want to show a fade in effect on page load.
#webdev people, only do this if you have JS enabled and prefers-reduced-motion.
Respect your users.
Me looking at my crypto