My sites might be down but atleast I know why. ping.fm/7UmwS Thanks Dreamhost!
My sites might be down but atleast I know why. ping.fm/7UmwS Thanks Dreamhost!
I have a feeling the center escalator at Foggy Bottom will be closed this afternoon. Saw a little kids squishy shoe get sucked up. Kid’s ok.
I’ve been working on a War Crd Game simulator all weekend. It pretty much works except sometimes you end up with more than 52 cards… hmmm?
I was going to ignore Apple’s Snow Leopard OS, but $29 for an upgrade. I’m so there!
Wow a new iPhone, but they haven’t fixed that AT&T bug. I wait for a new Android phone on T-Mobile. #wwdc
Listening to The Orchid and really liking it. myspace.com/whoistheorchid
Ha! This LOLCat made me laugh: ping.fm/faUZ0
Went to a family BBQ tonight, played croquet, ate hamburgers and hot dogs. Catching up on news while Puck is curled up next to me.
This song is stupid enough that it’s worth sharing with my socialgraph ping.fm/8fRnt
Spent all night last night working on a JavaScript pet project. I think I finally have a grasp of Object-oriented programming.
I don’t know what’s harder: being the Interviewee or the Interviewer?
My blog now gets just over 6,000 page views a month. Not bad for something I started just to play around with WordPress.
Today’s funny t-shirt comes from ping.fm/45E2q which I got at the Handmade Mart in Silver Spring, MD, last week.
Trying out Google Chrome on my MacBook Pro. Let’s see how unstable this thing is. ping.fm/ooulv
New Blog Post: Timelapse Of iPhone Interface Design shortna.me/61ad3
Bing Travel and Kayak.com: twins separated at birth? ping.fm/2mjdw
Here comes the rain. Thank goodness. It’s been getting really hot and humid these past few days.
RT @willferguson: in response to last tweet, @blackberry just direct messaged me: ‘I heard your butthole gets plenty of reception.’
Dear T-Mobile Dash, please don’t die on me until the G2 phone comes out. You’ve lasted me 2.5 years, you can go a little longer.
I’ll be at the Zope DC User Group tonight talking about some @usnews stuff. ping.fm/BXbzU
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.