My van is fixed! And much quieter! Way to go Safford Lincoln Mercury!
My van is fixed! And much quieter! Way to go Safford Lincoln Mercury!
<table summary=”this is a layout table”> #FAIL!
Having a ball reading up on HTML5 from this great series of blog posts by Bruce Lawson ping.fm/hxwgt
Just ordered 25 free Google Profile business cards! is.gd/vVtD
Dear CSS world, This is the best way for clearing floats is.gd/lzap End of disscussion! #webdev #css #float
Feeding three toddlers at Chipotle? Brave.
Mind control will greatly enhance the usability of computers with two screens. Closing outlook when i meant to close another window.
Picked up my van from the shop after 3 weeks. Seems to be ok. I’ll try starting it again after work.
This jQuery CSS template module implementation looks waaay too confusing tinyurl.com/cnwfxy
I really should check my Twitter when I come in in the morning instead of waiting until 3pm! #fail #overload
Best President Ever ping.fm/QXeyT
Digg.com is crapping out for me. An unknown fatal exception?
It’s finally getting cooler! Hurah!
Listening to Steve Gibson talk about how bad ass the Conficker virus is on Security Now twit.tv/sn193
Must eat lunch instead of looking at this site ping.fm/K9fkg so hungry!
CNN should stop contradicting it’s headlines. ping.fm/NFbab
politicsdaily.com is a nice looking news site.
#herebeforeyou @kingkool68 was here 69 days before @twitter herebeforeyou.com
Good article from @combustingboy about anti-alias default settings for Windows users: is.gd/uLNZ
No A/C. Tonight will be miserable. Spring in DC lasts 7 days tops.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.