reznor broken is an awesome font found via 45 modern web fronts for design is.gd/c5Im

Just built a Pandora station based on songs from NPR’s Best Songs of 2008 -> is.gd/bS23

Is it too late to add this to my Xmas wish list? is.gd/cf5Q

The place I used to intern at sent me a cheesy holiday e-card. See the computer with two monitors? I used to sit there. is.gd/ccUy

Listening to the Best Songs of the Year according to NPR ->tinyurl.com/6xsk9x

Lots of chocolate and sweets at the IT potluck.

I hope the water is on because I really need to pee.

Mahalo Answers is a lot of fun to browse through and answer the occasional question or two. Like this one is.gd/c4VE

New blog post: Multifarious Design Links tinyurl.com/5kuwy7

Watching a Charlie rown Christmas on TV.

If I were a stripper/porn star my name would be ‘dyslexixxx’.

Kristina made a killing at the Thrift Store today. 5 bags worth for a total of $50.

Grocery shopping on a Monday night for the win!!!

Foggy Bottom is backed up around the block… Again.

As a front-end web developer I hate running servers over SSH terminal BASH gah…

The CIA should have seen this threat coming waaaaaay before 9/11 ->tinyurl.com/6esbme

Note: Giving Blood is not an extra-curicular activity that you put on your resume.

USNews is hiring a front end web developer (HTML/CSS/JavaScript) please share with anyone interested – is.gd/bMKp

Dear Bluefish, I would like to try your program but it’s too damn complicated to set-up. How come there isn’t a binary to download for osx?