Has slashdot been slashdotted? I really want to read the story @mattbowen reccomended
Has slashdot been slashdotted? I really want to read the story @mattbowen reccomended
Finished doing some processing on about 12 photos this past hour. I need a faster computer. Will blog about them tomorrow night.
Time to edit some neglected photos from this weekend. PS Bright Kite sucks, don’t bother signing up.
New blog post: Use MSGView For Viewing .MSG Files tinyurl.com/5vqwnr
PHOTOSTREAM: Minimalist style with focus on shallow depth of field. I like alot -> flickr.com/photos/danisonfire/
If I were unemployed I would be playing GTA IV and Mario Kart right about now. But i’m not…
Wae up time already? Today will be a great day of cleaning up Zope templates.
New blog post: Russell The Movie Star tinyurl.com/6xwp4d
Currently anything I search for on Amazon returns “Item currently not available”
The train ride home is slow and choppy. I’m all out of videos to watch on my Zune.
Free ice cream cone day at Ben & Jerry’s.
Speaking of calendars this is my new desktop wallpaper -> tinyurl.com/6s4qtj
Looking over I now realize I haven’t changed my nuns having fun calendar in over a year. Sighh….
Cat jumped up on roommates laptop and wifi didn’t work afterwards. Turns out he hit fn + F2 which turns on/off the wifi card on this dell.
Firefox totally ate it.
Rainbow bridge photo -> thenarrative.net/archive/001641.…
Waiting for 3 podcasts to download so I can sync my Zune for tomorrow’s commute. What would I do without my podcasts for my commute?
Kristina went to go get things printed at Kinkos and pick up some Chipotle.That means I get a quick stint on her computer until she returns
And all of a sudden it started pouring…
Had lunch at Cheesecake factory in Columbia withe my parents and fiance. It was in celebration of my birthday.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.