@charitychap @magicroundabout @MikeNGarrett for sure
@charitychap @magicroundabout @MikeNGarrett for sure
@JillWohlner We’re hiring at @CoderPad coderpad.io/careers/
@mattcampux I dunno I watch a lot of Vine compilations on YouTube
My master plan:
1. Get hired @Twitter (even though I joined twitter before @twitter)
2. Find the commit in the codebase where they updated the original booger logo
3. Git revert
4. Push to prod
5. Quit twitter.com/ShitUserStory/status…
Vera out on sesame Street so her little brother could watch something with her on her iPad.
📸 instagram.com/p/CRxV1mqsV-W/ via tweet.photo
@oluoluoxenfree lol sure. I made @dummyimage it’s been humming along for 14 years. Still not rich.
@JoAnnStilley I remember that day. It was awesome! Hope Hong Ji is doing well!
@renan To find out where we belong…
@miked1ck Less about the time and more about what they actually watch. We limit iPad time to the weekends but they can use it as much as they like. After a few hours they get tired and go outside.
@chuckborowicz “this video is older then most YouTubers and twitch streamers” LOL
My wife’s idea of a poppin Friday night: lining up all the strollers we own.
Also we only have 3 kids. Why do we need so many strollers?
@miked1ck So she can feed herself for a lifetime?
@bradt Drop it.
@DaleAnthony That site was great.
@LeanneMitton Oh yea. I also treat the filename like alt text to describe what is in the image. I feel like this helps SEO if nothing else.
@CJDesiderio The way I found my current job was by doing a Google search with the keywords I was interested in constrained to job board sites like Green House and Lever. Example: google.com/search?q=site%3Alever…
You find a lot of hidden stuff that way.
This boy loves his sandbox.
📸 instagram.com/p/CRpgoxess88/ via tweet.photo
The climbing goofball.
📸 instagram.com/p/CRphNCEsWFp/ via tweet.photo
Mini chair for a mini dude.
📸 instagram.com/p/CRphrUws4Lo/ via tweet.photo
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.