Taking a trip down by the tidal basin.
@chipcullen Only if it’s disorganized
Disorganized Sports Only!
Air Caden!
@JoAnnStilley Yup, Luray Caverns. The parking lot looked busy but walking through caverns was fine.
@JoAnnStilley A crisp 65°F. Walking around with Caden on my back really built up a sweat.
Shout out to everyone that still validates their HTML
A family of cave dwellers.
Not Mars.
First camping out dinner as a family. Grilled hamburgers, mini hotdogs, and mac and cheese.
Vera helped me get our campfire started tonight.
Spelunking Caden. I wore him on my back and he hardly made a peep. I had to keep taking selfies to check on him.
Wacky fun mirrors.
Do these chips have wheat or not? 🌾
Update: She ended up picking out the perfect shirt herself!
Me: Can you just pick out a shirt for me?
Wife: No you can wear whatever you want
* I pick a shirt *
Wife: No, not that one. Too formal.
* I pick a shirt *
Wife: oof! That one doesn’t go well…
* I pick a shirt *
Wife: Are you sure you’re going to be warm enough in that?
@plugish uhh…..
@davatron5000 @github Name branch 123-issue-title. Saves me some time when writing pull requests so I can remember to add “Fixes #123”