@jgarber I’m guessing it wasn’t “YOU DID A DUCKING GREAT JOB JASON! DUCK YEAH!”
@jgarber I’m guessing it wasn’t “YOU DID A DUCKING GREAT JOB JASON! DUCK YEAH!”
@enqueue_russ We’re you emailing her company asking for support?
@mattcampux Positive or negative return?
@mattcampux Definitely car repairs. Or anything where the existing solution is janky. Just do it the right way? Need a specific shelf? Get the right shelf. Bad wifi? Go prosumer. Phone too slow? Get a new phone. Pillow hurting your neck? Get a new pillow.
@mattcampux I’m in the phase of my life where if it’s easier to just throw money at the problem then just do it.
@MikeNGarrett Oof that is the roughest my friend. It too shall pass.
@thiagoleonel @easyengine There’s also a fork called @WordOps_
@davidj @MisterHearn Yea my wife and I are planning a trip there next year. She follows all the blogs and YouTubers to get the inside scoop. I just remember going to the magic kingdom when I was a kid. Maybe when I was a kid there only was one park?
@davidj @MisterHearn I was today years old when I realized there are more than 1 park at Disney World.
Remember kids, if you share that hilarious April Fools Day gag from that website it will only encourage them to do it again next year. #breakTheCycle
Kids breakfast: Sliced apples, pancakes, glass of milk, bowl of cereal
My breakfast: Scarfing down the cereal dust from the bag as we run out the door
@elyktrix Or use the content property and make them emoji lists
SPAM (the meat) will always be SPiced hAM to me and not Sizzle Pork And Mmmm
@davatron5000 @chriscoyier Now you just need to organize your books by color like a 🌈
@Twitter This tweet is for sale on: v.cent.co/tweet/5608857478936698… @cent
@CodePen Why do you have Learn More buttons that don’t do anything?
@courtneydawn dang you’re still looking for a job? You should start an Only Fans for museum stuff..
@skeevis My favorite part is the random chairs and TV in the basement
@kkuchta That’s a neat PaaS there (PHPscript as a Service)
I used to just throw up my slides on kingkool68.com but have now given them a proper (albeit lackluster) home at slides.russellheimlich.com/
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.