Watching these replays of all the player’s reactions to winning the world series is priceless.
Way to announce your wife’s 30th birthday after winning the world series Cole Hamels.
twitter? more like titter.
Arundel man arrested in string of underwear thefts. I love local news
@grobertson is teh hotness.
I don’t follow polls, I count yard signs. Looks like Remax will be the next president! Great idea.
@newmediaclay I found via Downloadsquad:
@jfc3 I don’t consider McDonald’s to be real food.
@coreyweb Me too. I’ll see you there #socialdevcamp
This comic has my name all over it
Went to kitchen to refill water, get a plastic fork, and get my lunch. Came back with water and plastic fork.
@film_girl Nice rediesn @DownloadSquad. Minus the huge HP ad across the top.
@ericksonbarnett Bobbies Potties
25/5 = 14. Seriously.
Rain delay!
New blog post: Revision3 Not Immune From Bad Economy
Saw a google G1 in the wild this morning.
This sweater is waaay too scratchy and a bit small.
Working late sucks.