@wpmark I’ve been using Rank Math and loving it rankmath.com/
@neojp I’m an active email groomer. Seems like that makes me a freak of nature.
@kellycodeschaos I’m doing ok
race conditions
excerpt for those dang
My personal email inbox has 17 emails in it. The oldest one being from 4/14/2015
Today I learned in WordPress if you just want to enqueue jQuery without the jQuery migrate script you can just use the `jquery-core` handle.
@QuinnyPig Amazon Weep Services
@martinwoodward Prototype.js
var request = new ActiveXObject(“Microsoft.XMLHTTP”);
@neojp I’ve used a technique of fetching the form embed code then parsing it server side to pull out the details I need, and then building my own markup for the form. You probably have access to it in one of the GitHub repos.
@wilto Is this a container query?
@thespacedmonkey Thanks for planting the seed.
@zachleat This is an advert for caching
@zachleat Two minutes of uninterrupted free time while you wait for your page to load.
@teddyrised I mean if nothing changed after the Sandy Hook shootings in 2012 I can’t imagine anything ever changing.
@brianboyer Just tweeting.
@JessSchillinger @BobsBurgersFOX Whenever I let the kids drive we just end up at McDonalds…
@jhooks @chriscoyier Anya and Elsia? Same here.
@mattcampux Hells yeah! get it!
@MikeNGarrett Clients or babies?
Senior engineers build consensus
Its original meaning was literal: digging around the roots of a tree, to prepare it for a transplant. Bringing the dirt from the new location, and introducing it to the tree, before the transplant, so the tree can grow accustomed to the new environment before it gets there.