I have 16 e-mails in my inbox. All but 2 are from me to me.
In between (literally) a conversation about wedding fashion show. Boring.
waking up at 9am on a weekend is awesome.
Watching football (Eagles vs. Redskins). Need to finish my bar Camp DC2 presentation.
so unmotivated on this lazy sunday that I decided to install Stumbleupon.
made $96 selling stuff at a community yard sale. Less clutter around the apartment too!
going through old junk to sell at a yardsale tomorrow.
Natalie Downe’s slides about ‘CSS Systems’ is a must read for the front-end web professional. is.gd/3fM4
I hear C-Span is the best place to watch the debate. Where are you watching it, Twitterati?
Wait Republicansare pushing for reform and more goverment oversight? Aren’t they supposed to be conservative?
OOOO the crowd spoke
“How long have I been at this? 5 weeks?” bad line, we all know you’re inexperienced.
Screw homeowners,bankruptcy, and mortgages. Let’s talk about energy
How can you support equal civil liberties for same-sex couple but ban same-sex marriage.
ok they’re digging deep in this debate. This should be over soon.
#current OMG you’re horrible at answering questions.
My faavorite Palin quote: “how long have I been at this? Like five weeks?” is.gd/3suC
totally thought today was Saturday when his alarm clock went off.
Some guy named Wes Funk sent me an e-mail. Sounds like an interesting fella.
@5tu Filezilla