What did the mexican name his two sons? José and Jose-B.
@scottsandler You had a beard?
Thanks for the play by play coverage of some guy walking through the tunnels of the Dem. Convention, CNN.
Spent all day working on a photo gallery layout. First time I’ve designed something using a grid system. 960.gs/ seems to work well.
Fingernail growth is fastest in Nov, slowest in July, and less rapid at night. Pianists’ and typists’ fingernails grow faster than others.
Hopefully this week will be a lot more relaxed than last. And I will be a more active twitterer. Hopefully…
@snowpunk Congrats on the new job!
watching @vagredajr ranting about his iPhone and deleted apps. Quite funny!
@vagredajr Wow just got that AIM Spam as I was reading your tweet. Go away ThornyTrout!
What happens when a computer nerd announces to the world that he is having a baby? This tinyurl.com/5bta6h
Lunch time!
Home time. Later than I’d like but earlier than last week.
Mo Honey Mo Problems -> olivertees.com/catalog/product/g…
Worked on a photo gallery layout tonight so I can show off the zillions of photos I have on my hard drive. Designing is hard.
After reading Smashing Magazine’s Game Sites Design Survey is.gd/1OqN I realized how out of touch I am with the gaming world.
Tackled two errands this morning: going to the post office and picking up black ink for my printer from Staples.
New blog post: Puss And Foot tinyurl.com/695x2o
It took me 2 hours to process 36 weddings photos. Still lots more to do… ACK!
Quiet night in catching up on things I missed during the week.
Got home from work at 11 past midnight but it was totally worth it. Please go check out the Best Colege rankings at USNews.com