New blog post: View From Atop The Sears Tower
New blog post: Buckingham Fountain And The Bean
Just finished the wedding and as the bride and groom were leaving it started to pour. On to the reception.
Watching a bunch of red necks do the Soulja Boy. I think this song is played out.
At the Montana airport. Our flight departs at 2:48. There are only 6 gates at this airport. Onward to Chicago for two days.
New blog post: Animal Heads And Sacajawea Statue
Arrived safely in Chicago 28 minutes ahead of schedule. Now to get our luggage and head to the hotel.
Done with the rehersal onto the rehersal dinner.
After bashing the Montana 24 Hour Wal Mart last night, I needed a card reader to undelete some deleted files on my compact flash card. Irony
Recovered deleted pictures from Glacier National Park today. Best $12 I have ever spent at Wal Mart. All is now well.
Back at Wal Mart for the 2nd time in 24 hours. Kristina is looking at the local crap errr souvenirs for sale.
Hanging out in the cultural center of Great Falls – the 24 hour Wal Mart SUPER CENTER!
New blog post: Wal Mart State Of Mind
Heading to Glacier State Park. A break from the hustle and bustle of wedding preperation.
New blog post: Glacier National Park
New blog post: The Missouri River 2.0 looks delicious! I really like it.
I’ve seen just one Honda while here in Montana, but several dozen pick-up trucks.
New blog post: How I Helped Get Two Co-Workers On TV
What happened to DownloadSquad? Why only one post a day. I kind of like it.