@jgarber Hope it’s nothing serious.
Took a bit of a break to clean all the icon clutter on my desktop.
New blog post: Packed Metro Platform tinyurl.com/65655f
I wish Bed,Bath and Beyond was just Bed and Bath. This is taking forever.
New blog post: A Visit To Brookside Gardens tinyurl.com/6d7npx
Cleaned the bathroom and put away some stuff. Everything is coming together swimmingly.
Still unloading some of Kristinas stuff. Tonight’s focus is the bathroom. Earlier today we dropped off 2 bags of clothes to goodwill.
Bird necks must be tasty – tinyurl.com/5uvqac
New blog post: Ugly Green Thrift Store Chair tinyurl.com/6xqx2g
Playing Singstar Pop with the fiance and roommates. This is how we bond though I’m not really paying attention.
SUV in front of us on 495 took a turn 2 hard, lost control, spun around across 4 lanes. Stopped on wall in opposite direction. Hit no one.
At the Apple store in Montgomery Mall. There is a huge iPhone line even though they only have 20. We’re just getting K’s iMac looked at.
Kristina has more clothes than I have hair folecules. She probably has a different outfit for each one of my folecules.
Time for a full day of moving kristina into my apartment. She has lots of crap.
Lip zits are the worst.
Ran out of milk so it’s dry Cheerios for breakfast. But I actually like dry cereal muh ha ha HA!
Just saw 3 old ladies run down the street to try and make it across the street.
@refreshdc Holy Crap that is right across the street from my office! Thanks for the great location!
@jfc3 Taking the metro to Foggy-bottom and walking over. Takes about 15 minutes.
@MattBowen Zope for life.