These photos are awesome –
Because Web users read only 18% of added verbiage, cutting words is well worth the accusing squiggles that MS Word will throw at your se …
Heading home. Kristina is making dinner and I need to set-up my new wireless card on my PC laptop so I can lose the janky x-over cable.
Installed a new Wireless adapter on my PC laptop. No more ethernet cable for me!
At the podiatrists getting an in-grown toenail checked out.
CNN is having a segment about Twitter to promote their Twitter debate. Sounds like they should check out polititweets.
My doctors first name is Constatine.
has a numb toe from his podiatry appointment.
Subway for lunch! Om Nom Nom Nom!
@randallb Glad the RAM is working out for you.
Just got back from a friends graduation/birthday party. Lots of babies were there.
Working on the future blog design of I’m not getting very far.
Chipotle for brunch! No cantaloupe though.
Just booked a flight to Montana and Chicago using for the flight and for the hotel.
@refreshdc anyone know if Dan Mall put his slides online from his presentation about the Experience Layer?
@strawpoll Print only doctors need to know cursive.
@JasonCalacanis I thought you tried giving up coffee?
@drtiki Carbon
New blog post: Irony: MacBook Pro And A Zune
Heading home and then outback for dinner with some friends.