I really like tihs photo – tinyurl.com/56zt33
This Fail dog reminds me of something but I’m not sure what -> faildogs.com/post/31480692
@brownpau Table tags and 3.5 hours of overtime. Ouch!
New blog post: Super Mario Done In JavaScript And A Weird Flash Game tinyurl.com/6xya4b
I helped make Twitter better for everyone.
Watching roommates rock out to 90’s singstar…
Am I the only one in the world that has no desire for coffee?
This guy has awesome graphic design/illustration work -> sebdesign.eu/
Whoa Pandora, today is not a metal day. Let’s try the Explosions in the sky station.
Twitter needs some sort of spammer friend blacklist that looks at the number of followers to following ratio.
@brownpau Then why am I always at the beginning of the first spam wave.
Stop looking at me swan! tinyurl.com/6ghp4s
Hawaii I guess. I like staying in the best though
@waydbot Replying to your tweet. What are you doing?
Grrr Arg! monster necklace -> tinyurl.com/5edfhw
Hobo Cop – tinyurl.com/5782nj
@drtiki – Like the Heimlich Maneuver for drinking.
New blog post: Have Your Baby And Eat It Too tinyurl.com/6mz62a
@MattBowen Thanks I was certainly going for shock value. That one just barely beat out something about Gerbils eating their young.
If there is a site for techie gossip (Valleywag) how come there isn’t one for geek fashion?