@grobertson I’m looking more for a geeky web designer fashion.
@strawpoll Vegetables. I like to snack on baby carrots at night.
Oops forgot to have lucnh!
Co-worker gave me a large batch of home-made cookies. Am in the middle of stuffing myself silly!
It’s about that time to restart the ‘ol Firefox 2.
Your dog is not a Teenage mutant Ninja Turtle FAIL! is.gd/4OQ
“Obama is like a walking iPhone”
U.S.News is nominated for a Webby -> tinyurl.com/5cxfjd
New blog post: Tips For Buying An Engagement Ring tinyurl.com/5mxbbf
On the waitlist for Google’s App Engine -> code.google.com/appengine/
Tuesday is the 2nd best day of the weeks.
@strawpoll Yes but it’s not because of traffic. i just live far away.
“This Google App Engine application is temporarily over its serving quota. Please try again later.” This thing isn’t going to launch soon.
Buying carrots, bananas, and milk with a credit card.
Timing my morning commute. Out the door.
At the office now.
@brownpau “ITS will push out iTunes, Filezilla and Flash Plug-in to your desktop tonight.”
Yahoo/Microsoft is analogous to this – tinyurl.com/ypdk4o
@strawpoll Batman he has Alfred.
If I had tons of time, I would be a vlogger. But now it is time for a meeting!