@MattBowen Wish I was doing some CSS tonight rather than being out and about.
Prepping for a long mobile web surfing session while I’m at a Filipino culture show at College Park.
Tomorrow is Pi day, 3.14!
Screw the Mona Lisa, I want this -> nerdkore.com/?p=340
@technotheory Never because they don’t have to pay a credit card processing fee on a bank account transfer. It’s in their best interest.
@technotheory You should read PayPal Wars, it’s all about the start of PayPal is.gd/24n
Whoa, USPS gets some style – usps.com/
New blog post: Drained C&O Canal tinyurl.com/3de2da
Hi Twitter world. I’ve been too busy to follow your every move. Please forgive.
@jdroth Welcome to the social.
@strawpoll PHP because it’s classic!
Keep this in your arsenal the next time you need to explain Twitter in plain enhlish – tinyurl.com/384n2f
A lot of designers show off logos in their portfolio’s but many don’t explain the process behind them.This guy is different is.gd/27p
This site is so much fun! unlimited.orange.co.uk/flash/go
Going to a going away party that is right around the corner from my office. Cya!
Passed a guy in the metro who was walking around doing Flash on his laptop.
Firefox 3 beta 4 is soooo much faster. This thing just keeps getting better and better!
New blog post: Mozilla Should Fix This Firefox Annoyance tinyurl.com/3adklk
Installing Photoshop CS3 is such a pain! And slooooooow
Adobe Photoshop CS3 takes literally 45 minutes to install.