One day I’ll take a serious stab at Flickr whoring but for now I’ll just watch flickervision…
Within arms reach I have 5 devices with wifi: XP laptop, PowerBook, winMo Phone, Zune 80gb, and a Chumby!
New blog post: Sleeping On The Metro
@strawpoll Canon for the high end white L lenses. That and I rock a bunch of Canon gear though both sides are the same.
coding coding coding coding coding tweet coding coding coding coding coding…
New blog post: Bert And Ernie Rock Out
New blog post: And The Point Of Safari For Windows Is…
Not the usual crowd for half price burger day. Poo poo.
Forgot to open my twitter client today so you all must be sad to have no updates from me. <cricket chirp> That’s what I thought…
@strawpoll Google Analytics by far due to the breadth of available data.Plus you will be helping our future overlords at the Googleplex.
Waking up when it is still dark out is throwing me off!
Sarah Lacey has no idea how hard my job is…
Lunch time now! Yum!
New blog post: Enjoy By 100 Years Ago?
Stabby McKnife says “Hey Kids! Put me in your enemies!”
New blog post: March 10th = Day Of Awesomeness
At the Apple store listening to the exclamations of thinness that is the Apple Air.
Got a used 180mm Tamron Macro lens f/3.5 from Scott Bourne of TWiP for $525. It came in the mail today. What can I shoot closeup?
Losing an hour to Day Light savings last night makes me feel cheated.
Off to parents house for dinner