New blog post: Recreating D-Day Scene With 4 People And A Camera
Up and out of bed at 7:30am. Time to shake the sugar plumbs (or whatever kids dreamed about in the 1950’s) out of my head.
Watching American Idol for the failures, which are few and far between in this episode.
Hmm should I go to WidgetDevCamp this saturday?
New blog post: Hit Me On My iPhone
Saw Antonella Barba on the red line this morning. She looked frantic –
Facebook application meeting. I get to show off some wireframes I made!
Hmmm My AIM account seems to not be working]
Just added the bookmarks extension for Firefox. Works great ->
Man I wish I had a Netvibes Ginger invite code ->
Did a quick Google search and found WIREDGIN100 still works for Netvibes Ginger! Hooray!
@frankjonen, sorry!
Burgers for lunch!
My Netvibes universe is live ->
Spent all day grocery shopping and errands. Man, I want to work on
Firefox 3 Beta 2 is super fast and smooth as silk on my 867mhz Powerbook! Yesss!
It was so cold and windy today at Liberty Ski Resort, but I hada fun time anyway. The trails are way too short.
I’m rooting for the Patriots over the Giants for Superbowl XLII!
New blog post: A Bed For Mini-Swashbucklers
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