Hanging out at Mad River in Baltimore for a friends birthday.
New blog post: Bland Revisions For Revision3.com tinyurl.com/ysd8ej
I wish Tweetr, the Adobe AIR app that is a perfect client for twitter, would be updated. AIR Beta 3 seems to break a lot of things.
Qik looks interesting, but I don’t have a Nokia phone. @brownpau you should try it out!
Using Firefox 3 Beta 2 on g/f 24″ iMac. This is a great post for getting started -> ejohn.org/blog/sexy-firefox-3/
@mattbowen Dang, there were signs everywhere saying there was major work being done on the Red Line.
@jfc3 just finished up his presentation about accessibility. He did a great job, very informative. Now it is time to mingle.
Chipoltle for lunch woo hoo!
New blog post: It’s A Puck In A Box tinyurl.com/2cs2sb
@refreshdc any word on if the snow will disrupt our meeting tonight?
Out into the snow to get my lunch!
Heading out to Refresh DC event tonight. Good luck @jfc3
“You are my brother, now and forever!”
Comcast bill is $262.66. Last month it was $147.85. Comcrapstic!
New blog post: Picasa Is Coming For The Mac tinyurl.com/yug9du
Eyes are tired. Off to bed.
I couldn’t agree more with this -> tinyurl.com/2eoaf2
I’m dreaming big, but will probably squander my day away reading blogs
Lots of gadget geeks should heed this advice, especially after a MacWorld keynote -> urltea.com/2izy
New blog post: Firefox Wants To Fight The Boredom tinyurl.com/yrr9a9