It’s cold out, very very cold out. and windy.
Hooray! I love when real live humans follow me and not twitter spam bots. Hello @grobertson
It feels so good to blow my nose.
I need a way to manage my wordpress plugins and delete the ones I don’t want. Is there a simple plugin to do that? Plugins folder is a mess.
New blog post: 666th Zune Fan
Saw a green Mustang with it’s driver side window busted out on the 3rd level of the College Park Metro Parking Garage.
Anyone know of some good multi-monitor freeware? I found this ->…
My heros ->…
Working around our CMS is difficult.
Heading home after a day of work. I miss vacation already!
New blog post: Guesstimates Spare Change
Had a quiet night at home for New Year’s Eve. Happy 2008 everybody!
I have nothing to Twitter about right now.
New blog post: I Am So Fly. Especially When Thrown.
@mattbowen Check out Netvibes for a start page. It’s my favorite.
My girlfriend is 200% cooler now because she plays Guitar Hero.
Went to Micro Center for the first time today. That store is amazing. They can even compete with prices.
At the Container Store now, Kristina is in love with all of the various storage contraptions. An OCDers haven.
New blog post: Pig Head
About to go see Juno and then play Rockband.