@m_uysl I just used Google translate
@m_uysl daily reminder: bakmadan yaptırdığın o hastalıklı dövmede “tuvalet” yazıyor
@mattcampux I’ll trade you. I need a logo designed.
@mattcampux What are you trying to do? I’ve done this youtu.be/zdwPX-MVq_o
@ChrisBadgett Maintaining the perfect length of scruff. How do you two do it?
@Rmmmsy I wish there was a “legacy codebase” option
@karks88 That would really suck to miss a payment on your breathing subscription….
@DerekAshauer Sure! Hit me up. I don’t have any motivation to run with it even if I wanted to.
@richard_bell 💯 agree!
@jasonbahl @wp_acf @lgladdy @mattgrshaw Is it registering custom post types and taxonomies from within ACF?
@EkaBakie beep beep
@cdharrison And International Day of Awesomeness dayofawesomeness.com/
and Chuck Norris’ birthday
Drug cartels provide some of the best customer service. twitter.com/digg/status/16341443…
@focusotter @codesandbox @stackblitz @scrimba @astrodotbuild wp.new for an instant WordPress instance.
There’s a list of them at whats.new/shortcuts/
@JoAnnStilley You got to use them while you work
@hellosammunoz Twitter
@reg_inee Naps
@michael_kove Whipping the llama’s ass…
@williamsba You WPAdvanced
@TheJeffMatson Love the site redesign. Finally something with personality. Your next redesign should riff off of the most classic Windows color scheme Hot Dog Stand!