All project management eventually devolves into Google Docs/Google Sheets…
@stellarwp Uh… It’s still running
@martymadrid Is this like flammable vs inflammable?
I don’t know why, but for some reason I want an under desk walking treadmill that is so quiet I could do professional voice over work while using it. What an absurd expectation I have.
“Having technical knowledge debt is one thing but knowing you have that debt as you continue your day to day job is something all together. It felt like JS frameworks were going to eat the web, and I was going to be gobbled up too.”
@mattcampux Where do you want to be?
@adam_greenough An alternative is you can probably find the Pro version of the Rank Math SEO plugin pretty easily then setup a basic WordPress site to track it for you……
@adam_greenough Like this?
Imagine how weird phones would look if our mouths were nowhere near our ears
@babysoftluke Or Yarn? Or PNPM? Or Deno?
@noaheverett Wherever… doesn’t really matter. Just one stock photo of the day
@noaheverett @ungrabbed Everyday a new stock image….
@kylevandeusen WordPress pricing is lower than other technologies. Would be interesting to see how that changes when factoring in locale (like US vs the rest of the world)
NPM vs Yarn? Is that still a thing?
@chuckborowicz @leeloowrites I’m doing this now. Here’s my setup:…
@Una Put on music that makes you want to move around
@igorbenic Or just take on freelance projects and try to build everything the client asks for.
@WPShowoff The two learn more links here point to URLs…