@ajaydsouza I have a Gulp task for it. Copy the package.json, gulp-config.js, and gulp.mjs files. Run npm start to start watching files, compiling JS and Sass.
@ajaydsouza I have a Gulp task for it. Copy the package.json, gulp-config.js, and gulp.mjs files. Run npm start to start watching files, compiling JS and Sass.
@MarisaBrantley I have but don’t anymore. It’s too complicated to build a machine myself.
@colonistio Nice! I love this little improvement.
@dbchhbr Go visit the Pizza Hut in Sicily
@theludedude It wouldn’t be that hard to modify the script to do whatever you wanted if you’re comfortable with PHP. Here is the source code of dummyimage.com
This was actually my first PHP project I ever worked on. If I can do it, anyone can. Good luck!
@wpmark I’m with you there
@PaulieScanlon I use Zaraz and fire those tracking pixels off from a cloud function
@Haezurath “Just modify this regex”
@miked1ck Oo what did you get?
@colonistio The one where I win
@mgaak1dev Why pick just one?
@dcook @wp_acf I love having the coding standards auto format my code
@babysoftluke Oh well according to Web Page Test it’s the headline…
Looks like this is due to JavaScript that is blocking the rendering of the page so downloading the font and rending the headline happen later than they probably should.
@renano Oh no! What’s Kurt Loder gonna do?
@babysoftluke That dang cookie banner
@babysoftluke Under 2.5 seconds
@flaviocopes PHP
@babysoftluke Good job on that LCP
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.