@bradparbs Is butts.tech/ going to get that Tailwinds hotness next ?
@bradparbs Is butts.tech/ going to get that Tailwinds hotness next ?
Growl + Adium RIP twitter.com/film_girl/status/133…
@elyktrix Is it Fuller House?
@JoAnnStilley Cheers to the next 44
@JonathanEarle2 @prairielaura This says it all. Doesn’t follow the rules even when its dumb.
@plugish Well you don’t need to pay short term capital gains until you sell. I’ve been holding since Sept. 2017
@plugish But did you take the money out?
@fugularity Even better. You can see that number over time pewresearch.org/politics/2020/11…
A service that sends a weekly email to a loved one asking them to recall stories from their life. At the end of a year, they print them out and send you a book. Great gift idea for your parents.
“You Suffer” by Napalm Death
youtube.com/watch?v=ybGOT4d2Hs8 twitter.com/SortaBad/status/1330…
@joenatoli 9.
I was in a similar situation but my street address was 12. Definitely didn’t get the #12 mailbox.
The frontend fontnerd shirt look sweet! twitter.com/elyktrix/status/1330…
@elyktrix And by “get” I mean can one be available for purchase so I may buy it….
@elyktrix Can I get a !important shirt?
@crushgear It’s crazy how it still holds up. Young kids still want to watch it.
Reset the SmArt tV app hub thingy and now the YouTube app is gone. It had expired. Samsung and Google were no longer friends.
There are other ways to watch YouTube on the TV, they’re just clunky and require an extra device, switching inputs, and other techno voodoo
Was watching YouTube with the kids this morning on our handy dandy SmArt Tv. The video was stuttering and the UI was herky jerky.
“Maybe I just need to reset it” I thought.
The tv app was uninspiring but it got the job done. I could use the remote to turn on some video the kids wanted to watch and be done with it. Now I’ll probably need to buy some dumb dedicated YouTube dongle or something. I think my cable box has YouTube.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.