@shortxstack OMG it’s self aware of space and time
@shortxstack OMG it’s self aware of space and time
@hankchizljaw All presidents elected since George H. W. Bush (1989-1993) have been two term presidents. Just doesn’t seem like Americans are into mixing things up anymore.
No sleep ’till… (🎸) ELECTORAL COLLEGE!!;
@aaronjorbin We had tacos
Someone in my family tree came up with a maneuver twitter.com/MrsSteveMOBrien/stat…
@magicroundabout This is such a neat idea. This is a big chunk of what I use Sequel Pro/Ace for.
A way to view unserialized data maybe in a modal or something like that would also be useful.
@shortxstack I thought those were your workout boots 🤔
@anthonydpaul @chipcullen Alas! Did you miss the moose?
Do you do daily journaling for work? What’s your process? I want to start tracking daily wins to help in yearly reviews.
Looking for recommendations on physical journals to keep at my desk.
@shortxstack “engine-10” y’know like the iPhone X 🤣🤣🤣
“Recent posts from all hashtags are temporarily hidden to help prevent the spread of possible false information and harmful content related to the election.”
Interesting Instagram. Hopefully my kid’s hashtags won’t be weaponized to take down democracy.
November 1st, 7:59am
Wife: “OK Google play Christmas music”
Me: “OK Google play the Nightmare Before Christmas soundtrack”
Me at 1:00 a.m. on the last day of daylight saving time: I’ll see you again in an hour
@chipcullen Why were we removing the width and height attributes to begin with?
@chipcullen In the future, browsers will use this information to further optimize layouts.
@chipcullen I agree with Greg Buckler. HTML is all about describing the content so I would prefer the actual image dimensions so the browser could set out the appropriate space for the image to fill in.
@JoAnnStilley We carved pumpkin this year but then the deer probably ate them
@twigpress @YmirApp Take a screenshot, use the ie11 frame, send to client with message “I dunno looks fine to me”
Dark mode seems so silly. Isn’t 2020 dark enough?
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.