@elyktrix “Yes, I expect a salary.”
@elyktrix “Yes, I expect a salary.”
@rossk But wait … if i’m calling how am I supposed to get online to look up my email address?
@rossk Oh Earthlink. Those were the days.
@anthonydpaul I had one during the peak of the console wars in the early 2000s. Had labels for Gamecube, Xbox, and PS2.
What you need for the macs is a KVM switch.
@wpmark @highrisedigital Just a heads up that Sequel Pro is no longer supported and has been forked as Sequel Ace github.com/Sequel-Ace/Sequel-Ace
@toddlibby I bounce back and forth all the time until it is time to go on stage. Sometimes I’ll start writing slides, then switch to writing out a full script, then back to redoing my slides. Just trying to figure out each point I want to talk about and how to smoothly transition between.
“If the Democrats win in November they’re gonna make us use the metric system!”
@chriscoyier I understand the context and usage. I just haven’t gotten around to using it yet. In most cases using Sass color variables work just fine. I can only see it being super useful with multiple color theme support is required.
@BunnyCDN Done! Ticket #123226
@BunnyCDN I’m noticing slow throughput from the CDN. Request has a cdn-cache: HIT header but takes 10+ seconds to load.
@elyktrix The best is when they have the final call and you can feel they’re ready to make you an offer and then they ask you your salary requirements. “Ok let me talk to management and we’ll get back to you.”
They never got back to me.
@elyktrix The best part of WordPress is you could do whatever you want.
The worst part about WordPress is other people could do whatever they want.
Fall art project 🍂🍁🍃
📸 instagram.com/p/CGuxjQrhvV_/ via tweet.photo
@elgreg I look forward to the weekends
@travelmiguel @rashiq With the proper expertise one could build a site on such low end hardware to withstand a large amount of traffic. Others prefer overcomplicating things early on in anticipation they will experience a large surge in traffic that never comes.
@travelmiguel @rashiq Kubectl is a tool for managing a kubernetes cluster which is a setup intended for very large, complicated sites. Digital Ocean is a service you can rent servers from for as little as $5 per month.
@JessSchillinger You should have time once kid #2 gets here…
@courtneyengle Oh yes that was a thing with us too after each birth. Try not to make Mommy laugh.
Now that my wife is breast feeding I need to be extra careful. Whenever I make her laugh milk squirts out of her nose.
@schlessera @johnbillion Thanks for maintaining WP CLI!
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.