You should consider sponsoring those who work on open source projects that make a difference in your life.
You should consider sponsoring those who work on open source projects that make a difference in your life.
I’m sponsoring @johnbillion and @schlessera on GitHub for all of their contributions to make WordPress development easier. I use the tools they work on nearly every day.
Yahoo! Pipes was the original serverless infrastructure
@MikeNGarrett Open source, it’s all about transparency.
@chriscoyier Was gonna say… I’ve got 1 gbps and that is plenty for me.
@MikeNGarrett WP Bakery
WP Solr
Events Calendar PRO
This is programmer potential twitter.com/thogge/status/131929…
@chriscoyier “Sadly, BendTel fiber isn’t in the new building. I’m getting 800 Gbps down and up here, and I think the best we’ll do is 200 / 50 at the new office. But hey it’ll be cheaper.”
@chriscoyier Is 800 Gbps up and down a typo?
@MKBHD Laying flat while charging overnight
KidsTryingToSpinFidgetSpinners for tumblr dot com
@jaredatch Just applied. Thanks for tweeting about it.
@elyktrix I know the files end in .ts
@MikeNGarrett You mean them proud boys didn’t stand back and stand by?
twitter.com/Dustinkcouch/status/… twitter.com/Independent/status/1…
I would build framework.js, a JS framework framework twitter.com/zachleat/status/1318…
@fugularity Or emptyopian tubes
The history of skateboarding’s favorite camera
@desandro I’ve had CloudUp forever cloudup.com/cjZW9HO0NLr
I love how it automatically uploads screenshots and copies the URL to the clipboard for you.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.