@smarty @ProductHunt I’d love to but its scheduled so apparently I can’t upvote it.

@smarty What account number am i?

I just use var twitter.com/ryanflorence/status/…

@JoAnnStilley So creative.

This GIF makes me happy. Maybe it will make you happy too.

……. Sigh

@Rmmmsy Setup a Go Fund me

Good morning everyone except the thermostat because I had to turn the heat on this morning.

He makes some of the best WordPress plugins for developers so I’m more than happy to support his work. twitter.com/johnbillion/status/1…

9.2 miles or 15 minute drive. twitter.com/LauraSavino747/statu…

@hankchizljaw @zachleat @scottjehl Wait you don’t text your tweets to 40404?

I love the abundant optimism in a recent Facebook Marketplace listing:
“Was in excellent condition until recently”

@jonathanober We have a Power Wheels jeep they’ve been dying to take on the road.

@mr_suh Ooo nice!

I’m seriously considering buying a skateboard to just mess around with now that the girls can mostly ride their bikes by themselves.

@Rmmmsy I want to see ultra high end home actually being lived in

@plugish @svandragt Sounds like a NAS fits the bill. I love my Synology 8 Bay. If you need something that is just for storage purposes an old Synology NAS would be perfect. Mine runs some other apps via Docker and it’s getting long in the tooth.

Running like the wind…
📸 instagram.com/p/CFXz9iiMCpd/ via tweet.photo