@fugularity omg josh

@fugularity omg josh
@jackyalcine @zachleat Peak 2006 aesthetic right here russellheimlich.com/
@anthonydpaul “Hey guys! Check out my secret passageway”
@bpeebles What is Fish Police?
@JTI519 Eat the cake as a reward for getting your blood work done
Fred’s aesthetic really inspired me in 2000 when éS Menekemati came out.
You should see his stuff on instagram instagram.com/frenchfred twitter.com/AP_Magazine/status/9…
@shortxstack COOL CAKES EAT KIDS.
@MikeNGarrett ** sets up a Go Fund Me **
Our weekends are less packed and we’re able to slow down and appreciate more time with family twitter.com/rands/status/1297332…
@laurynaslevi @rileyj_s Got lucky with super sweet girls. I think they think of him as a really awesome baby doll
@kev097 The last one
@MKBHD Remember when this was the Twitter logo twitter.com/mulegirl/status/5790…
@rileyj_s But going from 2-3 is actually pretty easy. My first two girls are more independent and can help out and be useful. The car situation gets really tricky once you get to 3.
@rileyj_s I mean 0-1 is of course a life changing event. Going from 1-2 is easier since you know what to expect but you forget some of the details and it all kinda rushes back. It’s harder because the first kid has their own schedule you have to keep up in addition to a newborn.
@kaydacode Talk about mine all the time. They each have their own website which I use to experiment with different ideas.
@bpeebles I can’t believe south-of-the-border didn’t make the list
@mbabker @cirapress @aaronjorbin @JJJ Stopped reading after the implied comments that end users of WordPress need to cater to the needs of WordPress developers.
@cirapress @aaronjorbin I like @JJJ’s response on the Trac ticket core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/5…
@smashingmag @zachleat Are there any conclusions your can reach from this data?
Illustration is my passion
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.