Psst, pass it on…
Psst, pass it on…
36 lifetimes worth of music and yet I have nothing I want to listen to…
@welshfruit I learned Javascript on accident from starting something with Microsoft Excel.
@magicroundabout BuddyPress is even weirder.
@randallb Like this? amzn.to/2E6HSCw
Playing Super Mario Bros. before school.
📸 instagram.com/p/CD3oVMuhvJ4/ via tweet.photo
PHP 8 is coming on November 26, 2020. Expect new functions like str_contains(), str_starts_with(), and str_ends_with(). There is also a whole bunch of other stuff that I don’t really understand.
@funwithforms @justmarkup Wow I didn’t know the step increment doesn’t increment the input value by the step. Weird.
Shouldn’t the query selector be input[type=”number”] instead of just input? What would happen with text in the input if I hit the up key?
From me to all of you!
OJ Simpson trial verdict. They announced the results during lunch. I was in 4th grade I think. twitter.com/jvharris_1965/status…
@askdes OnePlus because their phones always stay fast and snappy over time.
@ckrewson Maybe they could pivot to the pet droppings containment industry or hostage verification sector…
Modernizing a Legacy PHP Application adrien.poupa.fr/modernizing-a-le…
@elyktrix Or for hiding Christmas gifts from the kids.
@elyktrix That’s where all the fancy plates and stuff goes that we use once every 5 years.
@Jaypordy You can use a scripting language to loop over 1500 times saving each image with different text. Dummyimage.com is written in PHP which happens to be my favorite programming language to work with. But there are lots of different ways to pull this off.
Zadie was playing with regular Legos at school when I picked her up. I told her when she got home to ask Grandma Beth where my old Lego sets were. My mom had kept them from my childhood all this time and now Zadie is…
📸 instagram.com/p/CDxQOuan4Ng/ via tweet.photo
@AlexStandiford The whole pandemic started. Should I push it up?
After much consideration I have picked a tub of nacho cheese as my snack companion tonight.
And I set 19 out of 26 plugins to auto update. The other plugins are all custom and not hosted on the plugin directory.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.