@SandyS1 Ubiquiti would be at the top of the list for me even though they’re not listed.
@SandyS1 Ubiquiti would be at the top of the list for me even though they’re not listed.
Source: youtube.com/watch?v=gXgNZcWmssg
Me when people say you can’t do that with WordPress
@anthonydpaul The 3 year old is gonna flip out when she sees that GIF.
Today I noticed the plus in the Disney+ logo is curved
@kefimochi @hankchizljaw And woodworking. I’ve known several devs who have burned out, moved to the forest, and now they spit out collectible wooden pens.
@plugish He’s a butterfly
@mattcampux Saved you six months juneoven.com/
@hak5darren Man I remember watching Hak5 when it first came out. So good. I wish I kept up with it. Glad you all still kept it going.
@devinDford Hi Devin! What’s the hardest part about learning JavaScript so far?
The man behind @Pinboard is brining back del.icio.us/
@DanielleAlberti Brace yourself, the weird toddler tantrum meltdowns, they are coming.
@teddyrised Just getting through day by day and playing with the kids.
@teddyrised It’s good to have a change of scenery.
Back in the heyday of blogging I wanted to be an A-list famous blogger person with a huge following. Then I had 3 kids and they follow me everywhere I go and honestly that is enough for me.
@teddyrised Where are you going? My guess is not America.
@johncoates Wow congrats! Their way better than fame and fortune so I hear. You just moved to Seattle to see what you could find?
@jessabean I watched a random interview on YouTube with @RyanSerhant and now i’m in a deep salesperson businessey mindset.
@johncoates Bouncing through jobs, raising offspring. Living the dream.
@johncoates Oh snap! It’s John Coates! What’s been going on since ConvergeSE 2011?
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.