@thomasfuchs @ubnt Do you get alerts that Unifi detected a radar? Seems to happen to me every night.

Ten weeks old and now I’m out of fingers.
📸 instagram.com/p/CC886tjH-hJ/ via tweet.photo

@elgreg Man this is such an easy problem to solve today too…

@ListenBrainz @InfluxDB @TimescaleDB @newsycombinator Awesome! I’ll do whatever I can to amplify. I love the project.

@ListenBrainz @InfluxDB @TimescaleDB @newsycombinator Yay it made the front page. I hope ListenBrainz gets more attention.

I was standing in the kitchen eating a bowl of cereal when my 3 year old walks up as cute as can be and smiling when she punches me in the ding-a-ling.
# humpDay

@ListenBrainz @InfluxDB @TimescaleDB Nice! I’ve shared this on @newsycombinator news.ycombinator.com/item?id=239…

@trepmal I think I found those 9 pounds you lost

@mattcampux 12

@trepmal Snap camera snapcamera.snapchat.com/

@JonathanYMusic John Tesh. Reminds me of the NBA theme music from NBC “Roundball Rock”

Rainbow Road and it would be in space. It would be a really hard final-level track. It would be special because there has never been a NASCAR race in space. twitter.com/jbaskinger41/status/…

@QuinnyPig Can this thread continue every day until the end of 2020. I think the world needs this.

@JoAnnStilley Atlantic Ocean in Ocean City.

@JoAnnStilley She’s already lost two teeth on the bottom. Her top front tooth is super loose and rubbing up against the other tooth. Makes it look like a super wide gap.

@MKBHD The Bixby powered Samsung Galaxy Home speaker, FINALLY!

Helping mommy organize the pantry.
📸 instagram.com/p/CC4rbYRB9pc/ via tweet.photo