@mahdiech You’re quite brave. $99/year is too steep for me. My email use is quite low and unimportant for hey but I like how they’re shaking things up.
@mahdiech You’re quite brave. $99/year is too steep for me. My email use is quite low and unimportant for hey but I like how they’re shaking things up.
I sent DMs to people who replied. When it stops working it stops working 🤷♂️
5 weeks in and Caden is still unBEARably cute. He had a check up yesterday and he’s up to 9 pounds 7 ounces and perfectly healthy. 🐻🐻🐻🐻🐻 #CadenApollo
📸 instagram.com/p/CBi1GKAHTeS/ via tweet.photo
I got my invite code for hey.com and was disappointed someone else already got [email protected]
Anyways if anyone wants an invite code for hey.com I have one with two or three invites left.
@NijuMohan Real talk.
Restoration Hardware sends out these gaudy, high-gloss catalogs and this whole time I thought they were personalized to whomever they sent them too…
Hey #webperf / #pagespeed aficionados,
In @____lighthouse v6 how are you handling Largest Contentful Paint for large hero images on a site?
I’ve played around with setting loading=”lazy” and loading=”eager” but theres still room to improve.
Example: lighthouse-dot-webdotdevsite.app…
@JJJ Follow up from T-Mobile about what happened with their network upgrade that went wrong twitter.com/TmoNews/status/12731…
@plugish Ooo let me know your thoughts on it. Sounds interesting. And good luck with no cavities 🦷
@magicroundabout @digitalocean @Vultr @linode @Hetzner_Online Here is @DreamHost’s details about sustainability dreamhost.com/company/we-are-gre…
Kinda weak. But they offer good priced VPS dreamhost.com/cloud/computing/
@ravinwashere I learned JavaScript on accident russellheimlich.com/blog/how-i-l…
You might say JavaScript chose me!
@tvanantwerp Woot! Congrats and may your hot water heater never suddenly leak. Because that sucks.
@mattcampux Without any other context you should definitely make the largest financial decision of your life based on Twitter responses.
@m_uysl and off by one errors
Calling all designers and UXers looking to give feedback to a design! twitter.com/ListenBrainz/status/…
It’s the season of graduations! Zadie will be moving on to kindergarten in the fall (whatever that will look like thanks to COVID-19). We wanted to celebrate with her first cap and gown photos. 🎓🎓🎓🎓🎓 #ZadieAlyssa
📸 instagram.com/p/CBeld_IHSxv/ via tweet.photo
@JoAnnStilley The reservoir is nearby and good for canoeing. My dad knows all the boating places.
It’s the season of graduations! Zadie will be moving on to kindergarten in the fall (whatever that will look like thanks to COVID-19). We wanted to celebrate with her first cap and gown photos. 🎓🎓🎓🎓🎓 #ZadieAlyssa
📸 instagram.com/p/CBeld_IHSxv/ via tweet.photo
Bill is looking for a Junior developer twitter.com/BillErickson/status/…
One of the downsides about this new era of everything is streaming and on demand is that when my kids discover something and they want the toys for a 10 year old show the prices are all jacked up because the toys are collectables now.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.