@brad_frost My tiny human

@brad_frost My tiny human
Good news! dummyimage.com now supports Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS). Fetch away! twitter.com/suchislife801/status…
@suchislife801 Ah good idea. This site has been up and running long before CORS was a thing.
@dbanksDesign Or as my 3 year old calls them … “A roller coaster out of my mouth”
@round This thingy… You can drag it between revisions.
@round Like WordPress’ revision history feature?
@its_myreverie The downside is a lot of things you take for granted at larger companies is you get to stumble through coming up with processes and policies and stuff like that.
@its_myreverie I had a good time because there wasn’t a lot of bureaucracy like at bigger companies. It was easier to take an idea from concept to prod. It’s good if you like to wear many different hats at the same time.
People are still dreading WordPress. twitter.com/seldo/status/1265788…
@adambsilver It’s fascinating how much better the search results seem when they look closer to Google/Bing results we’re all used to. Would be interesting to user test.
@adambsilver When the search results are crammed with all this extra meta data making the page longer and harder to scan.
2 Fast 2 Furious 2 Weeks Old
📸 instagram.com/p/CAswr0knDtf/ via tweet.photo
@ryanflorence But hey at least they’re following best practices
@tvanantwerp YouTube is the closest thing we have to learning something fast like in the Matrix…
What’s a good tweet you’ve seen recently?
@hankchizljaw I’m still leery of mixing different classes of components together. Inevitably it leads to conflicts between styles. I generally stick to defensive CSS and optimize structuring for deletion so there is less fear of needing to keep styles around b/c you don’t know what might break
@hankchizljaw Nice. I love seeing the thinking others employ when programming CSS (see what I did there).
I’ve been slowly adopting your flow utility classes for containers of components. Works like a charm.
Your nipples are older than your teeth
@MikeNGarrett False! I have played that game as a kid. Here’s a good review of it youtube.com/watch?v=Vg0y9i5E7nY
@skedaddle74 @mommajessiec Do Coco puffs count?
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.