@iamjonjackson 2! The exact same brand and model. One for working at home and one in my backpack for working on the go.
@saminacodes Needs more clutter
Taking the girls skiing today. First time for them they’re going down the mountain (with an instructor) and the first time for me I’m spending my day in the lodge.
@fugularity Imagine one person blowing the entire New York Giants football team at halftime. Talk about a halftime show!
@MikeNGarrett Probably for the ransom photos to show proof you’re still alive
@AlmostMedia In 2007 I made, put some ads on it, and haven’t touched it since
@MikeNGarrett You have newspapers?
@alexthechick yes
@fugularity waht aboot boysenberries
1991 sounded like a fun year
@fugularity wut about mulberries
@fugularity to get lots of dates
@fugularity I can’t imagine you dating. Unless the other person was really into mowing lawns.
@fugularity uh….
It’s been forever since we had a good Service Pack. What ever happened to that term?
@MrAhmadAwais The Religious Landscape Survey from @PewReligion…
Lots of data crunching and there is the ability to flip variables around and keeping the language correct when you do so.
@babysoftluke Here are some more UI tricks. I really like #4 use less borders/boxes
@babysoftluke You don’t need “Most Popular” and “Saves $x per year” I would go with the “Saves $X per year”
I agree this should be one column not two. The Annual pricing plan should be 66% wide and the Monthly plan should be 33% wide since you are trying to emphasize the annual plan.
@KassandraSanch I took a lamp and bounced it off the white wall…