@dvassallo So in a way your LinkedIn feed is also inspirational
@mattcampux Costco cart!
@richard_tabor I dig it!
When is dumb going to come back in vogue so I can feel smart again: Dumb phones, dumb cars, dumb TV, dumb appliances…
Back from vacation. Looking forward to a restful week of work.
@lorenc_dan Randomamazon.com for browsing Amazon randomly
August 13 was a good day #solar
Walking through a beach town grocery store with a 5 year old:
“Wow look at those American Girl doll cups”
(They’re shot glasses)
“Ooo and American Girl doll eggs!”
(Ping Pong balls)
@jgarber You mean the 2nd film in the trilogy Eat, Pray, Love?
@fugularity Kirby can also take on the powers of whomever he consumes so really it’s like having every player in one
@babysoftluke OMG I watch this show too. It messes with my brain!
Watching couples lovingly embrace each other during a glorious sunset as I sprint by on my way to a porta potty before my 5 year old craps themselves
@chriscoyier @alexquez @CodePen What happened to Tim?
@mattcampux That’s so awesome you found something that works!
Some days your work day consists of passing Slack messages back and forth to people
How to Prepare Your WordPress Site for PHP 8
@mattcampux The comma separates the first argument (the callback function) from the second (initalValue) for the array.reduce() method
@mattcampux Here’s a CodePen of it written as an arrow function and the more traditional way
How did we get to “fridge” from “refrigerator”? Where did that “d” come from?
New clause in my contract for web development work:
Client agrees until website is completed and launched to display a yard sign.