@babysoftluke “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half.” — John Wanamaker (1838-1922)
I got a camouflage blanket and now I can’t find it
@joshlangner We use getanalytics.io/ to abstract out event calls and to make sure they go to all the different services. From what I understand segment does the same thing but I think they do at the server side? So you don’t need to load all those additional client libraries.
@kclarke_ Even had an appliance repair person come out and they just said it’s best to replace it.
@JoAnnStilley Oof that’s rough. We certainly had options to do laundry if we needed to but we decided to stretch it out. We were getting pretty close there.
@neojp Yes. Fridge died, then went to Disney, then the washer died after we washed our clothes from the trip. Lotta money went to Costco.
@joshlangner @segment Yea I’m sure there are definitely solutions to this. But we don’t have that many custom events firing throughout the website… sooo…. not sure why keep needing different products.
Doing laundry definitely sucks. But not being able to do laundry because your washing machine is broken sucks even more.
Anyhoo my new washing machine should be delivered anytime now…
@caseydriscoll One slice of bread covered with food
A big part of being a developer on a marketing team is keeping your composure when asked to add yet another analytics JavaScript snippet to the site inorder to capture custom events for customer insights
@fugularity yes (this reply was stuck in drafts and I don’t even remember what this was about but it’s important the world see this)
@jfc3 I will always gladly answer questions to the best of my ability
@NguyetV Wait a minute… You just asked me something. SUCCESS!
@NguyetV Did I expect anyone to ask me anything? Not really
Was taking my daughter to gymnastics expected? Yea. But it was just one of the few times in the day I get to stop and think.
@fugularity I don’t think they care so long as they get a Vince Lombardi
Spoiler alert: Nobody asked me anything. twitter.com/kingkool68/status/15…
@magicroundabout @AlexStandiford @schlessera @WPAleks @haveibeenpwned So WP-CLI would need your plain text password inorder to get the SHA-1 hash to accurately compare it against the pwned password API. Just taking it out of the database (and WordPress has no idea what your plain text password is) is useless since the hash will be different
@magicroundabout @AlexStandiford @schlessera @WPAleks @haveibeenpwned I don’t see how this could work since the @haveibeenpwned API stores SHA-1 hashes of plain text passwords but WordPress stores a hashed version of salted passwords. And the salt is different (usually) for every single WordPress site. See api.wordpress.org/secret-key/1.1…
NEW features for @wpcli to secure any WordPress instance in just 60 seconds.
@jfc3 What are you going to do with all the wine?