@mwop Whenever I get something working I run it through shellcheck.net/ and take note of the explanations.
@mwop Whenever I get something working I run it through shellcheck.net/ and take note of the explanations.
@yongfook There are some teams that use it @CoderPad I would say about 50% of the people that use it actually write a status update. The other half just show their GitHub updates. Seems kind of a waste to me.
@fugularity Joined February 2007
@twigpress @YmirApp My costs for one month of cloudfront or the same as 12 months using bunny.net and now all the image transformation stuff is built in for $9/month it’s a no-brainer. But not as fun as rolling your own.
@twigpress @YmirApp Yes I use that setup in production, it worked pretty well. Costs are okay for CloudFront. But this was back when there were no options you had to roll your own. If I was starting from scratch today I would use bunny.net for a CDN and dynamic image transformation
@twigpress @YmirApp Oh yeah been there, done that github.com/spiritedmedia/tachyon…
@twigpress @YmirApp Ooo how does it work?
@mpiccorossi And all it costs me is $1700 in car repairs
Took the car in for service yesterday. Dealership offered me a rental at no charge. While signing some paperwork I noticed a clause about charges if you don’t bring the car back with a full tank. They’ll charge me $4/gallon.
Current price of gas in our area is $4.19.
@fugularity Seems legit
@fugularity What about copies of The Doors albums? Do they count for doors?
@fugularity Well well well this changes everything.
@fugularity Do tires count as wheels?
@Kathy_Darling The spam bots
@MKBHD How many weeks have you had it?
@freshyill Thanks for taking one for the team buddy.
How long would it take if your password was 0 characters? Would the hackers even think to try that? twitter.com/JemYoung/status/1500…
@AlexStandiford Amazon still has details about my first order from 2004 so… 18 years?
@natmiletic It’s flexible and lets me build things the way I want.
@mattcampux OMG
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.