@miked1ck Wow your battery sure is charged!
@miked1ck Wow your battery sure is charged!
@fugularity They did not. Same words.
Our mystical dinner toddler.
📸 instagram.com/p/CZ00iSDsu60/ via tweet.photo
@freshyill Interesting.
First day of New York Times Wordle…
Not bad.
Wordle 237 3/6*
@m_uysl /wp-calypenberg/
@shortxstack but if you put them in pancakes 🤔
@kovshenin I toyed with the idea of using an nginx proxy to pass image requests to WordPress’ photon image API for free dynamic image resizing. Didn’t quite get it working the way I wanted. imgproxy looks like a better path.
@crutchcorn 🤣🤣🤣
@crutchcorn Have you even seen my code?
“That’s dumb. Why is it built that way?”
@mattcampux Do you think McKinsey would agree?
@Stammy Still haven’t put stop, drop, and roll into use yet…
Apparently they haven’t heard about PHP.js php-js.com/ twitter.com/github/status/149113…
@ckrewson Cisco bought the company because an increase in online video bandwidth was good for business
Me serving dinner: So what do you think?
Wife: It looks like a TV dinner.
Me: Wow! A meal worthy of being on TV? I’m honored.
Wife: The only TV show this meal will be on is Worst Cooks in America.
The appropriate sized table for eating with a toddler and not having to worry about food getting splattered on you. twitter.com/KremlinRussia_E/stat…
Me talking about my own stuff: You see design is all about the details. Notice all these subtle niceties I’ve included that really elevate the entire experience…
Me when other people are talking about their stuff: Yea but who cares? No one will notice that.
@mr_suh What if it gets you a positive date?
@kovshenin @dbchhbr @saildeploy Good stuff and thanks for sharing your work. If my sites ever get to that level I’ll have resources to turn to.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.