Ain’t it the truth.
Ain’t it the truth.
♥ “Variable color fonts bring the best of both worlds together: Variable Fonts and Color Fonts.”
Designers, you MUST see this website to believe it.
Designer: @typearture. Hat tip: @PixelAmbacht #variableFonts #design #webdesign #animation
We’ve cancelled @AnEventApart DC and Seattle. Stay safe, everyone.
30 years ago my life changed forever, and I didn’t even know it at the time. The web is 30 years old today. Happy birthday, WWW.
Tap, tap. Is this thing on?
I’ve signed on as Creative Director of a Special Projects team at @automattic that helps showcase @WordPress at its best.
I’ll share first impressions soon. Currently I’m too busy learning.
“Why most redesigns fail” by Girish Rawat. Classic truths every designer and product manager should know. Accessible, well paced article for folks at all levels of experience. Nice quick case studies of failed redesigns. link.medium.com/3V9YRoAEdT
#Wordpress was the first standards-compliant CMS. I hand-coded my blog starting in 1995, and would still be doing it if WordPress had not come along. Next year, after exhausting a half dozen other platforms, @AListApart will come home to WordPress.
Let’s make every day accessibility day.
“Triggering a large number of requests in an HTTP/2 environment is no longer inherently bad for performance; transferring unnecessary data is. Only transfer what your users actually need. Nothing more, nothing less.” @ddprrt
Imperative languages, while more powerful than declarative, are also more fragile. HTML and CSS are more resilient than JavaScript. #AEAORL
In contrast, JavaScript is an imperative language, containing exact instructions. @adactio #aeaorl
CSS and HTML are declarative languages. They declare what they want, and the browser figures it out. @adactio #aeaorl
☛ ⇛“Make sure every bit of code added to your project is there for a reason you can explain.” @rachelandrew
The iconic Coca-Cola bottle design came through a design competition. Its 1 requirement: bottle had to be recognizable in the dark. #aeaaus
.@RupertMyers Okay. Sorry for name calling. Eric’s my friend. Good night.
.@RupertMyers Eric wrote a thoughtful post, *not blaming* FB. *You* blamed the victim for oversharing. You connected those dots.
.@RupertMyers A family shared their struggle to save their five year old’s life. FB’s feature implementation ripped open a raw wound.
.@RupertMyers “Most of us lost all sense of shame, any notion of privacy, any concerns about boastfulness.” Own your words.
.@RupertMyers @adactio Should you investigate Eric Meyer, you’ll find he’s about as far from an unconscious web user as it’s possible to be.
.@RupertMyers …in which case, you’d be a monster. Like @adactio, I’ll assume you just picked the wrong day to perform sloppy journalism.
Author. Web Standards Godfather. Designer @Automattic. Founder & Publisher @AListApart. Co-Founder/Host @AnEventApart. Publisher @ABookApart. Ava’s dad. He/him.