Today I’m Apart of a Day Apart. #aea
Today I’m Apart of a Day Apart. #aea
@edlabear there is a 3rd day workshop about html5 and css3 today. #aea
@ryanhoonlaverty I’m sure no one bothered to check that because ie makes disabling and enabling javascript a pain. #aea
@grum_dot_com #aea if its not one thing, its another. Thats the life of cross-platform development.
#aea looks like a job for jquery masonry
Ok but did they end up selling more software with the hidden easter egg promotion? #aea
russellheimlich.com/frontend-tip… Ems are friends. #aea
I love how speakers presentations go against each other. Mobile First x Mobile+Desktop. MS Filters to the rescue x MS Filters No-no. #aea
CSS seems really hard to present. Easier to learn by playing around. Mediaquieries and nth-child look like awesome tools #aea
Morning talks at #aea have been good. Lunch is done and i’m just waiting for the afternoon to begin.
I hope everyone at #aea likes my shirt today.
Its a small world at #aea
Press button receive bacon #aea
#aea Prograceful degrahancement
Made it to #aea in time for breakfast. Grabbed a seat in the front row again. Worked well yesterday.
Hyperlinks seem inspired by footnote reference, HREF #aea
We need browser makers to innovate and push technologies forward. #aea
Js for fixing box-sizing #aea code.google.com/p/ie7-js/source/…
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.