Safari doesn’t need keyboards, they’re all touch. Har har. #aea
@santoroski go to the nclud party. Its right sound the corner from here. #aea
And boy do web forms need work. #aea
The default value for Webkit’s datetime is 1582-10-15. #wtf #aea vendor prefix fun #aea
Standards a like sausages. They’re great, but you don’t want to see how they are made – @adactio #aea my favorite regex tester with examples #aea
I’m all about forrst. Who here is on forrst? #aea
Doctypes went invented for browsers they were made for validators. #aea
Redo the presentation with commentary on this time. #aea makes heavy use of css3 for their design. No images were used. #aea
is it scary that ie9 got more applause at #aea?
CSS layout policies are hard to wrap my head around. It’s probably due to the years of floating columns. #aea
#aea @jfc3 has everyone at our lunch table mesmerized about accessibility issues on the web.
hey that was my website #aea
<!DOCTYPE HTML> is the shortest number of characters possible to trigger standards mode in IE. brilliant! #aea
B and I elements came in handy for my 10k Apart entry #aea
“Fantastic” ie9. DRINK! #aea
Based on what I’ve seen on low-memory browsers (i.e. mobile webkit), CSS gradients are really resource intensive. #aea
VB script! #aea