@ryanhoonlaverty I’m sure no one bothered to check that because ie makes disabling and enabling javascript a pain. #aea
@ryanhoonlaverty I’m sure no one bothered to check that because ie makes disabling and enabling javascript a pain. #aea
Ie9 reference at #aea take a drink.
It’s crazy how many people want to spend their Saturday talking semantics and css3 just like me. #aea
#aea #aeadc If you have an interest in web accessibility, consider joining us at Accessibility Camp DC on Oct 9 bit.ly/96AMRR
@itmaybejj it’s handy for distributable code, like widgets and the like. #aea
@itmaybejj it’s hard to measure non-js users since most analytics packages are javascript based. #aea
HTML is very forgiving. XML, by design, is not. #aea
Safari doesn’t need keyboards, they’re all touch. Har har. #aea
@santoroski go to the nclud party. Its right sound the corner from here. #aea
And boy do web forms need work. #aea
The default value for Webkit’s datetime is 1582-10-15. #wtf #aea
css3please.com/ vendor prefix fun #aea
Standards a like sausages. They’re great, but you don’t want to see how they are made – @adactio #aea
design215.com/toolbox/regexp.php my favorite regex tester with examples #aea
I’m all about forrst. Who here is on forrst? #aea
Doctypes went invented for browsers they were made for validators. #aea
Redo the presentation with commentary on this time. #aea
sxsw.beercamp.com/ makes heavy use of css3 for their design. No images were used. #aea
is it scary that ie9 got more applause at #aea?
disc-golf playing, scirocco loving web monkey