@brad_frost My tiny human

@brad_frost My tiny human
@sebastianlaube @brad_frost This article made it really click for me
@sebastianlaube @brad_frost I enjoy the way it forces getting all the data you need to render up front and then you pass it to a template to render the HTML
@brad_frost I wrote a bare bones Twig integration for WordPress called Sprig github.com/kingkool68/sprig
I was inspired by @twigpress’ article about generating HTML templates for WordPress carlalexander.ca/designing-class…
@brad_frost “Everyone has JavaScript disabled while it is downloading”
“Reading “AS PER THE REQUIREMENTS” in tickets makes me dry heave. How did such sterile, shitty language seep into my everyday work? Once upon a time my website was a GIANT FUCKING MOUTH.” – @brad_frost
@brad_frost It’s ok. Just fix it in the next sprint.
@brad_frost Open Activity monitor and check the CPU activity. Is it pegged? Check out the disk tab and see what is doing the most writing. My hunch is the hard drive is slowly dying and about to give up the ghost.
@brad_frost I feel like @ChrisVanPatten has thoughts
@brad_frost Man I wish this thread existed when I went to design my wedding website way back when…
russellandkristina.com/ and of course we also have kristinaandrussell.com/
@brad_frost @colly I always loved @Fish_Marketing’s early design web.archive.org/web/200702070445…
@brad_frost Something in Turbo Pascal in high school.
I remember doing a hello world exercise and telling my parents “This is dumb. I could just use a word processor.”
@brad_frost That this was even possible mobile.twitter.com/kingkool68/st…
@brad_frost 4 year old calls it laundry juice
@brad_frost @alistapart The Automatic Millionaire opened my eyes to the power of compound interest and automating important behaviors amzn.to/2IPOimm
The hardest aspect of responsive web design is not the design/development, but dealing with the process/people involved. @brad_frost #AEACHI
@brad_frost This is how I do it gist.github.com/kingkool68/55559…
TechCrunch no longer looks like an eyesore! techcrunch.com/2013/10/15/techcr… Congrats @globalmoxie @danielmall @brad_frost @johnpbloch @10up
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.