@chipcullen Want to recover your previously killed day? xkcd-map.rent-a-geek.de/
@chipcullen I hope it’s a 5 finger death-grip keyboard shortcut…
@chipcullen Page not found. But I used to love Digital Color Meter until they took out copy as Hex code.
@chipcullen If you think that is nuts read up on CSS3 Layout property (impossible to Google) w3.org/TR/css3-layout/
@chipcullen Got one in the center aisle, very front row.
@chipcullen You making your way to #aea this year?
@chipcullen Sure, count me in. Answering questions is fun.
@chipcullen 30-45 minutes after it was downloaded. Had to run the installer twice on my MacBook Pro for some reason. Other than that, fine!
@chipcullen I like the new dock look, Reminders is an awesome app for the desktop, and accessing a NAS is much faster.
@chipcullen Drupal Front End Development. That sounds weird, but I know what you mean.
@chipcullen I use .dev
@chipcullen I love that song. I also like that it’s 10 minutes long and I don’t need to pay attention to what’s playing for 10 more minutes
@chipcullen It’s hard to change. I’ve had no time or incentive to drop Dreamweaver and get used to something else.
@chipcullen well it will still work for the next 3 years. After that? Who knows.
@chipcullen Yea screw pants altogether. I’m going to start wearing trash bags.
@chipcullen The reward for hard work is not wearing shorts.
@chipcullen What if I put my Google drive folder inside of my Dropbox folder… synccepation?
@chipcullen Probably. They’re a lot of fun.
@chipcullen Sweet I’ll likely see you there