@junaidbhura @chriscoyier That’s awesome stuff. I’ve come up with a similar approach to doing componentized development for WordPress using PHP.
I’ve come up with this sort of approach –> github.com/kingkool68/wordpress-…
@junaidbhura @chriscoyier That’s awesome stuff. I’ve come up with a similar approach to doing componentized development for WordPress using PHP.
I’ve come up with this sort of approach –> github.com/kingkool68/wordpress-…
@chriscoyier Decode the QR code value, commit the decoded string to memory, proceed to assert your dominance over the parking machine by shouting the value in a loud yet robotic voice…
@chriscoyier Well this is telling…
How often do you think about this as you download a document or click on a website?
Laughlin: Only when a site seems slow to load!
+1 to perceived performance improvements over really hard actual performance improvements
@chriscoyier they should call it a moon landing
@chriscoyier “A ‘cloud’ function is one that we call on demand from a URL” aka PHP
@chriscoyier Prototype –> Ultimatype
@chriscoyier @CodePen Is being a founder what you imagined it would be?
@chriscoyier @alexquez @CodePen What happened to Tim?
@NathanaelKhodl @chriscoyier ah touche`
@chriscoyier You could design a combination of colors that no matter what combination is used produces an acceptable level of contrast. Bet you can’t mess up this accessible color palette: coolors.co/000000-ffffff
@chriscoyier If anyone wants to automatically use the last modified date of all CSS and JavaScript files enqueued on a page, here’s how to do it: gist.github.com/kingkool68/72a97…
Throw it in your functions.php file or create a separate plugin.
@meyerweb @zeldman @chriscoyier @davatron5000 @ShopTalkShow Ooo that’s a lotta <div>s
@zeldman @meyerweb @chriscoyier @davatron5000 @ShopTalkShow There was mention of a demo with a bunch of <div>s and using :has() to do some sort of interactive lighting them up or something. Is there a link for that?
@Dayhaysoos @chriscoyier Well if they’re asking a real-world problem and not some cliche algorithm question then it shouldn’t be a problem.
@chriscoyier egyptian museum exhibits
@chriscoyier I can’t believe that I instantly knew who you were talking about. We also have Miranda July to thank for “poop back and forth forever”
@chriscoyier C’mon Chris, Let it Go
@chriscoyier Desk treadmill walking during meetings is my favorite life hack
@chriscoyier Docs!
@chriscoyier guitar-tab-tricks.com is available
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.