@dimensionmedia @chriscoyier @TablePlus @LocalWP I was on board with Sequel Ace but @LocalWP requires a socket to connect to the local DB and Sequel Ace can’t do that for reasons github.com/Sequel-Ace/Sequel-Ace…
@dimensionmedia @chriscoyier @TablePlus @LocalWP I was on board with Sequel Ace but @LocalWP requires a socket to connect to the local DB and Sequel Ace can’t do that for reasons github.com/Sequel-Ace/Sequel-Ace…
@chriscoyier I understand the context and usage. I just haven’t gotten around to using it yet. In most cases using Sass color variables work just fine. I can only see it being super useful with multiple color theme support is required.
@chriscoyier Was gonna say… I’ve got 1 gbps and that is plenty for me.
@chriscoyier “Sadly, BendTel fiber isn’t in the new building. I’m getting 800 Gbps down and up here, and I think the best we’ll do is 200 / 50 at the new office. But hey it’ll be cheaper.”
@chriscoyier Is 800 Gbps up and down a typo?
@chriscoyier If I were rich instead of eating Cookie Crisp cereal for breakfast I would just pour small cookies into a bowl
@chriscoyier +7 mana
@chriscoyier Closest one I am aware of is github.com/wittenbrock/toms-mysp…
@chriscoyier Client work can be attractive (big paydays, you know exactly what they want)
I never know what the client wants and neither do they. I do make recommendations about what they need but that’s just like the doctor telling me I need to eat better. No fun.
@chriscoyier That must be super frustrating. You should do a CodePen radio episode about it.
Also has CodePen been affected by this pandemic?
@chriscoyier Looking at the near perfect brush bristles I see you have not given it to a toddler
@rands @chriscoyier wrote about getting his set up. Maybe there are some tips there.
@chriscoyier @jlengstorf @leadingleed Awww jeez!
@AGlingeanu @chriscoyier I changed one of my tools to work by manually copying and pasting the HTML source of an Instagram URL because it was good enough for the job that needed to be done.
@AGlingeanu @chriscoyier See ultratools.com/tools/ipWhoisLook… which provides WHOIS information about an IP address. You can see the organization that owns it and the range of IP addresses they own. With that they can build a list. They also probably dynamically block IPs based on irregular behavior.
@chriscoyier The JSON payload for any Instagram page is inlined in the HTML source. Look for `window._sharedData`. It’s pretty easy to reconstruct once you scrape an Instagram URL. The hard part is scraping Instagram URLs. You need to do it from a residential IP address not a web host.
@chriscoyier Good booms
@chriscoyier @WordCampSATX is happening this weekend entirely online and for the low, low price of completely free!
@chriscoyier Can you describe this as an :nth-child() selector?
@chriscoyier @cgrymala It would have been nice of them to prefix the meta key with _ so it didn’t show up in the custom fields drop down…
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.